Lucifer aspired to take over creation and be creator. Creator G-D, now The Lord G-d, striped him of his pipes and his position, and his name and cast him out from among us. I remember how it was when The Lord G-D judged the betrayal of Lucifer. I watched as I AM stripped Lucifer of…Read more
Day: February 28, 2021
Day 15
The great I AMs remedy for Lucifer’s rebellion in the first creation worked. Lucifer was stripped of his light, his pipes and his patinas. He lost his position as the cherub of light that covers the throne of G-D. He was cast out of Heaven. Lucifer fell. This is the genesis of “falling”, the onset…Read more
Day 14 The Original Truth of The Original Identity Theft
All the events after Genesis 1:1 (In the beginning G-D) that caused Genesis 1:2 (And the earth was without form and void) happened because Lucifer aspired to be G-D. The ways Lucifer chose to act out his ambition to be more than G-Ds greatest creation are described by the Prophet Isaiah: …Read more