The idea there might have been a creation before the current one is being bantered around in some scientific circles today. One theory is the “universe” reinvents itself every so often. In this theory earth as we know it will die somehow to an asteroid collision or abuse and another planet pretty much like it…Read more
Month: March 2021
Day 33 Fun Fact
Fun Fact! The “day” spoken of in Genesis where it says “Evening and Moring was the first day” or when Genesis 2 says “in that day G-D created the heaven and the earth” it is not our 24 hour day we get as the earth circles the sun. Time had not been created in any of the 7 days of…Read more
Day 32 Chapter 6 TWO CREATIONS
EARTH IS WITHOUT FORM AND VOID….. Genesis 1:2 says the earth was without form and…Read more
Day 31 G-D declared Victory from Heaven
John tells us in Revelation 12:16 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven proclaiming: Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our G-D and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuse them day and night before…Read more
Day 30 Michael and his angels fight Lucifer and win.
So when the dragon saw that he had been thrown down to earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. But the woman was given two wings of the great eagle so that she could fly from the serpent into the wilderness to a place where she is nourished for…Read more
Day 29 There is war in the Heavens
Revelation 12:7 says: “Next there was a battle in Heaven.” All of creation and the very foundation of LIFE itself hung…Read more
Day 28 Even Moses failed to believe
This is real. Do not doubt or despair. The Lord G-D manifests supply in our lives before we enter the circumstances that warrants us gathering the supplies needed to successfully endure the challenge ahead. Still we doubt and fear. Forgive me Father. Recently, G-D took me to the place in the Bible where Israel is…Read more
Day 27 the supply in evidence
I new there was something special about the car he was about to show me. It was a beautiful Toyota Camry HYBRID. I had never had a Hybrid before and frankly the scared me. I had heard nasty rumors about how the batteries cost tens of thousands of dollars and the batteries are not covered…Read more
Day 26 Lucifers end begins
All the evets after Genesis 1:1 in the beginning G-D that caused Genesis 1:2 and the earth was without form and void happened because Lucifer aspired to be G-D. The ways Lucifer chose to act out his ambition to be more than G-D’s highest creation are described by the Prophet Isaiah in the Hebrew texts:…Read more
Day 25 G-D’s supply complete
I went to my car insurance agent to catch up my information on my policy. She said, “If you want to buy a car, go to this place and tell this person I sent you. I will call them and tell them to get you into a new car.” Alarms and whistles went off in…Read more