Month: March 2021

Day 24 The Provisioning explained

We were imparted with power and authority and strength and any gifts we need to succeed. We have that now. But the tribulation of our time makes it hard for us to see or experience just how much provision we really do have at our finger tips. G-D actually sets up our supply preemptively. The…Read more

Day 23 The War Provisioned

All of humankind created on the sixth day of the first creation through voice manifested by The Word have each contracted with G-D. Each of us was assigned tasks to do according to the choices we made and the answers we gave to the question, “Who will go for Us?” Then we were imparted with…Read more

Day 22 The war, the beginnings

Creator G-ds blueprint for creation was ONE to ONE joined together to make ONE. Lucifer thought that was such a waste. Why should perfection be limited to ONE? He broke the natural barriers G-D placed in creation and declared a free for all. Animals and plants could cross breed and male persons could mate with…Read more

Day 21 The Original Identity Theft

Day 8 in the first creation. Normal activity is returning. The Sabbath rest was over. The original being went back to business as usual maintaining creation including the beings He had made. However, Lucifer had begun to despise the ONE original being Creator G-D. He mocked G-D taunting him baiting him trying to get G-D…Read more


The prophet Isaiah says of Lucifer, “you thought to yourself, I will scale the heavens, I will sit on the Mount of Assembly far away in the north. I will rise past the tops of the clouds. I will make myself the Most High.” Ezekiel 28:1b says of Lucifer Because your heart is proud and…Read more

Day 19

In the book of Ezekiel the prophet describes Lucifer in detail using “the king of Tyre” widely believed to describe the rebellious Lucifer:         You were the seal of perfection,         Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty,        You were in Eden, the Garden of G-D:    …Read more

Day 18

The prophet Isaiah shares his vision of G-D in the temple in Isaiah chapter 6.  In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lofty, and the hem of his robe filled the temple. Seraphs were in attendance above him; each had six wings; with two they…Read more

Day 17 Description of the Throne Room

Here are a few short glimpses into where the events took place as recorded in the Hebrew Bible. A panoramic view of Creator G-D on the throne is recorded in Revelation Chapter 4. John is sharing the vision he received while in prison on the Isle of Patmos. He describes what he sees:    …Read more