Lucifer aspired to take over and be the creator. The Lord G-D striped him of his pipes and his position and his name and cast him out from among us. I remember how it was when The Lord God judged the betrayal of Lucifer. I watched as I AM stripped Lucifer of his pipes ad…Read more
Month: April 2021
Day 73 Revelation 13 is the best picture of the antichrist system
Revelation Chapter 13 is the best picture of the antichrist system already in place today that I see in the Bible. The apostle John describes the red dragon and various beasts that come up out of the sea of glass made from the “waters” that spewed out of the mouth of Lucifer as he was…Read more
Day 72 the changing of the guard.
If the war in Heaven is over and Creator G-D won why are we who are here living on planet earth now enduring one day at a time? Why do we have to go through this? Good Question. We are here on earth playing out this drama while enduring time because the original being does…Read more
Day 71 Salvation part 2: How it works
Once covered by the blood of the Lamb, The Lord G-D sees the perfection of his only Son begotten of adamah female when He sees us. Creator G-D is holy and cannot look on sin. Creators holiness dispels sin automatically with no remedy. The blood of his begotten Son’s sacrifice acts as a filter so…Read more
Day 70 Why do we need to be “saved” and how is it done?
The first Adam person of the second creation, our ancestor, was stripped of his LIGHT garment, became sin (separated from Creator G-D). Sin (separation from Creator G-D) is full of guilt and shame. But this is not the end of the story. I am happy to say the Creator G-D THE ONE and The Lord…Read more
Day 69 “Walk out among them”
One of the leaders of the group “pinged” me coming directly to me to find out why I had not been at the Grand Finale. He was gruff and scolding. He scowled at me that I would be left out for another year since I did not attend the final lesson. My Luminary friend faded…Read more
Day 68 Angels to the rescue
I begged the paramedics to tell the leaders of the convention what was happening to me because I felt they needed to know for their own protection. The paramedics unmasked to me showing me they were in fact angels. They said, “Theresa don’t worry about the convention leaders. You need more protection than anyone here…Read more
Day 67 Rescued by an illuminary
I have been rescued by one of these heavenly illuminaries walking the earth in human form. This is my testimony so you know I am not telling you this from some book I read or from something I heard or even from a vision or other supernatural method. This is real. The event is real….Read more
Day 66 The Devil makes war on the children of the male child
Revelation 12:17 says the dragon was infuriated over the woman and the child and went off to fight the rest of her children. With Lilith safe on dry land and the waters swallowed up V 18 simply says, “So then the dragon stood on the seashore.” I get the picture of his bewildered face as…Read more
Day 65 The birth of the male child
Revelation 12:12-13 says, “Woe to the earth and the sea for the devil had come down to you with great wrath, because he knows that his time is short. When the dragon saw that he had been hurled down to the earth, he went in pursuit of the woman who had given birth to the male…Read more