Month: May 2021

Day 84 The Collective Mind

We left the farm when I was three to move into town so dad could work at a factory. We still owned the farm and dad spent every extra minute back on the farm. But dad had to start working at the factory to keep the farm. He worked for a government contractor who made…Read more

Day 81 Chapter 15: The church without walls

The stage is now set and we have the skills, and tools, and capabilities to accomplish the more here to fore unbelievable predictions of the ancient prophets for our time. One of the most well known and seemingly  impossible predictions is all the world will see the antichrist at the same time. They will worship…Read more

Day 80 The Image

I have recently heard a member of a worship team in a well known mega church in my area say “there is a war”. This is the war that begins when the dragon calls the second beast up out of the sea of glass. I believe they are soldiers in this war, as is much…Read more

Day 79 Do not be deceived

Revelation verse 23B-24 says, “For your businessmen, (speaking of “Church” here, meaning priests/preachers) were the most powerful on earth, all nations were deceived by your magic spell. In her was found the blood of prophets and of G-Ds people, indeed of all who have been slaughtered on earth!” Here the apostle John  in prison on the Aisle…Read more

Day 78 G-Ds judgment is swift and complete

G-d’s judgment for the great harlot “Church” is swift and complete. Verse 8: “Therefore her plagues will come in a SINGLE DAY. Death sorrow and famine: and she will be burned with fire, because Adonai,  Elohim, her JUDGE is Mighty!” The great harlot “Church” has deceived the whole world into worshipping at its feet. G-D…Read more


The command of The Lord G-D to his true sons as recorded by the apostle John from his visions on the aisle of Patmos and recorded in the book of Revelation is “come out of her”. Come out of the church set up by Constantine. Come out of the church if you want to stay…Read more