John the emissary warns us that all of us living on earth in these last days will worship the image of the beast, the antichrist, unless our names are written in the Lamb’s book of LIFE. The beast whose image we are warned not to worship is the figure of antichrist set up by the…Read more
Month: June 2021
Day 123 The beginning of the “Church” story.
The beginning of the story is Constantine in 335 AD set about to rule the world by uniting the various religious faiths and beliefs under one doctrine. One belied that encompassed all that included Greek and Roman mythology. I am not the first to write about this. Look this up. To do this Constantine gathered…Read more
Day 122 Supernatural
Calling things supernatural is twisted. The truth is, the gods are real. Many times in our dark understanding seeing through a glass darkly what we call “supernatural” is simply something we do not have words to express or have not experienced before or regularly. Many times what we call “the gods” are ones created on…Read more
Day 122 Trinity
There is one called “trinity”. “trinity” is a demon that entered the time space continuum on December 25. The same December 25th the famed “Pandora’s Box” was opened and all the demons and spirits and entities and ethereal beings Jesus took captive in those days between his death and his resurrection came pouring out into…Read more
Day 121 Trinity Part 3: “The Holy Spirit”
The third part of the “trinity” or “godhead” is commonly known as the “Holy Spirit”. “Holy Spirit” is not right. Calling this very real ethereal being “Holy Spirit” is misleading and instituted by the first dragon, the Church, as set up by Constantine to be used to deceive us into idol worship. “Holy” means separate. …Read more
Day 120 Trinity part 2: God the Son, section 3
The Lord G-D chose The Word of G-D to shed blood to heal the ONE original being from the ravages of the rebellion. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us full of grace and truth. Jesus of Nazareth is The Word of G-D. Jesus of Nazareth is not Creator G-D the ONE original being…Read more
Day 119 Trinity Part 2: God the Son, section 2
Jesus of Nazareth was and is the “Word of G-D”. Jesus of Nazareth came into time space continuum to be the “Chosen Lamb of G-D” When Abraham climbed the mountain so see G-D and wanted to offer a sacrifice to The Lord G-D, Abraham was in the process of wrapping up his only son Isaac…Read more
Day 118 Trinity Part 2: God the Son, section 1
The second part of the “godhead” or “trinity” is commonly believed to be Jesus of Nazareth. The prayer goes God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Jesus is God the Son in that prayer. If you are protestant it might go “In the name of the Father, the Son, and The Holy…Read more
Day 117 Trinity Part 1: “God the Father”
Yes. Creator G-D the ONE exists. Hear Oh Israel THE LORD THY G-D IS ONE. THE LORD THY G-D IS ONE LORD. ONE. not 3. never 3. Yes. Creator G-D the ONE exists. For the atheists who deny HIM. Yes. Creator G-D the ONE exists. For the agnostics who think there something out there but…Read more
Day 116 The Trinity as we know it does not exist
Trinity does not exist as we know it. Hold on to your hats and sit down now. I am going to give you some hard truth that is very difficult to take, especially if you grew up in the church like I did. For those who consider themselves “Catholic” this will be even harder. But…Read more