Unexpected things happen unexpectedly. I have seen my double and the doubles of many of my family. My Uncle, my dad’s brother, had just died. We had just buried him. He was in the grave in a casket under ground. My dad wanted to do something to help my Aunt Juanita, his wife. He gave…Read more
Month: August 2021
Day 181 Build your Ark NOW! part 2
“The bride of Christ” is a metaphor. A parable. A literary license taken to explain a principle. Their is no real husband/wife relationship. It dos not mean or bodies start talking to us and The Lord G-D or Jesus answers with a physical sexual act. There is no appendage involved. No penetration needed or warranted….Read more
Day 180 Chapter 27 Build your Ark NOW!
This is the message I am commissioned to give you. It is time to build your arc. This creation is ending. We who are true vine are being transplanted into the new creation. Do not grow weary in well doing. Do not begin to think nothing is going to happen. BUILD YOUR ARC NOW. Jesus…Read more
Day 179 Ashera poles destroyed. Witches have no power base.
WHEN YOU ARE FACED DOWN BY A DEMON OR WITCH PUTTING A SPELL ON YOU, THEY HAVE NO POWER. RESIST THEM AND THEY WILL FLEE. The Lord G-D is not walking around on the earth today as Jesus incarnate as a guy you think you might meet on some mountain top at some retreat on…Read more
Day 178 Jesus asked, “Would you like to have some fun?” continued…
Author’s Note: I am not sure how I got off track with the book. This is the next segment after the introduction to Chapter 26. My apologies to those of you who wanted to know what happened with Jesus and Me in ancient Israel poised to strike down the Ashera poles. Here it is. Jesus…Read more
Day 177 The Holy Grail
8The idea Mary Magdalene was the woman with 7 demons and then later that she was the woman at the well who was a harlot were both schemes by the first beast, the church, to discredit Mary and confuse the truth of G-Ds plan for redemption through Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Yeshua Ha Mashiach. The…Read more
Day 176 Do not confuse “Church” with the True Sons
Do not confuse the “Constantine Church” or organized religion with the true Sons of The Lord G-D and Followers of Jesus of Nazareth, the True Vine. The two are completely different things. The whore Church is the foundation, the holding tank, the distribution center, for the power of Satan on earth and the deception of…Read more
Day 175 The Church according to Revelation 18:1
The great whore, Babylon the Great, is the Church as set up by Constantine in the third century. She is the companion of the red dragon, the devil. The whore church is described in Revelation 18:1 as having become the home for demons and every unclean spirit and hated bird (familiar spirits). It says all…Read more
When Jesus asks you if you want to have some fun, say YES! I was sitting in my comfy chair minding my own business. Not really doing anything in particular one day and Jesus showed up in my living room. He said to me, “Would you like to have some fun.” I said YES! Jesus…Read more
Day 173 The Wedding feast of the Lamb
The wedding of Jesus of Nazareth to Mary of Magdala is in the Jewish Temple Records. In the new creation Jesus and Mary will finally celebrate the Wedding feast and those who are the chosen faithful will fill the wedding hall. Those who are unfaithful sons or oppose Mary as The Bride of Christ will…Read more