This topic today is coming from something I went through recently. I was dropping off my taxes to be filed and staying in my car due to covid concerns. They were coming to my car to pick up my documents. A wind picked up. It has been windy here. Nationwide there are spring tornadoes and…Read more
Month: April 2022
Day 263: Apologies only work if they fix what you did.
There is a large lie perpetrated through church and society today that permeates our world today having to do with forgiveness and the effectiveness of “sorry” as the offender steps over the wreckage of the person they just destroyed and moves on leaving the victim to pick up their own pieces. So let’s look at…Read more
Day 262: Unexpected personal consequences
I have published a book here (The Original Identity Theft by Theresa Bryson) penned at the command of The Lord G-D from the direction of the One Called Holy. I was just being obedient. It never occurred to me there would be consequences to myself for that obedience. Looking at it now I should have…Read more
Day 261: The War in the Ukraine
It is all over the news. War is happening on planet earth again. None of us who are old enough to remember want Russia coming back to life and pushing its weight around again. We thought and had hoped we had ended that scourge but apparently not. The threat of nuclear war seems to be…Read more