Today I found myself in a crucible of time. Something had to be done immediately and 3 factions had to come together perfectly for it to happen……. I was pressured to wish or ask for more time. You know. That quick thought or expression under your breath, “I need more time.” DO NOT DO THAT….Read more
Month: September 2022
Day 306 HEAR
Day 305 The Sabbath…………………..
really is near and dear to the heart of Creator GOD, the ONE…… and she will give you her most beloved prize…… sabbath….. if you ask in truth and belief…………….. The Theresa
Day 304 A bent reed he will never break.
It is written of Jesus of Nazareth “A bent reed he will not break”. So what makes those who are called by his name, the Christ of God, think they are doing service to their Lord when they are rude and mean and nasty and work from a murderous heart and envy are jealous or…Read more
Day 303: The Overcoming the Overcomers do is just the beginning. You gotta stand your ground.
The book of Revelation talks about the “overcomers” and the crowns they wear and how they throw their crowns at Jesus feet. I get the throwing the crowns at Jesus feet. I thought it was an act of worship. That is probably part of it but more than that it is recognition of who the…Read more
Day 302 It is written, “My people perish for lack of knowledge”…. or should that be translated information?
It is recorded that Jesus said, “my people perish for lack of knowledge”. That verse has given me a great deal of trouble given my understanding of the two trees in the garden of Eden: the tree of life and the tree of “knowledge”. I may have some insight into that today. I met a…Read more
Day 301 Living in fear
We are actually commanded in scripture to not fear. Up until recently I had thought that meant do not fear “the boogy man” or the phrase “what you fear comes upon you” but that fear the Lord God is telling us to stay away from is much more invasive than that. The Lord God tells…Read more