The day I started maturing as a Child of GOD is the day I stopped asking what He could or would do for me and I started asking what it is I could do or was supposed to do for Creator and Creation.
When we are brand new human babies we have to be 110% taken care of by someone else. We cannot feed ourselves or clothe ourselves or even roll over or sit up. We are 110% dependent on another for our very lives. It is the same with a new creature just born in the Spirit of God.
A human baby learns to hold up their head, roll over, sit up, feed themselves cheerios, walk, talk as they move through early childhood. They learn to exert themselves in “the terrible 3s” (or 2s depending on how advanced the baby is in their growth process). As a human baby grows the baby stops relying so much on the adults around for their safety and well being. They learn more and more to understand and know what it is they need to be safe and whole. They learn more and more how to get what they need for themselves. They become more and more independent from the adults around them. To navigate the world more and more on their own initiative.
They go to this or that school. Everyone attends a school of hard knocks of some form as we learn and grown and develop into adult human beings.
Then there is that magical day when the child goes to the parent and askes, “Is there anything I can do for you today?” The parent takes note of this momentous occasion and reacts in their own way.
The child has grown up and will not need me as much any more.
Like earth children Creator God has the same feelings for us as our earthly parents and experiences the same emotions at each cross road in our growth. After all, we are made in the image of God.
We experience each of the stages of growth with the corresponding tests and schools and issues we face at each stage. As spiritual neonates we are nestled in the bosom of Abraham and attended by Angels. When we hit the terrible twos or threes we throw fits in Gods face. As we learn from this we go on to learn who we are and build and grow our dreams and find our purpose. Until we reach our preteen and teenage years where our Spiritual hormones are raging and we rebel against God our Father. All part of the original plan for us to become Spiritual Adults in service to Creator God.
It is time for all of us to shake off the former things we knew and grow up in GOD.
That means all of us. Those of us who are adults and have been functioning as adults will have times when we go back to being a child speaking like a child needing to be nourished and protected. We will go in and out of rebellious days and choices to come back to our Father when we shake it off and move back into adulthood.
We must all be adult children of Creator God as we move through the tribulation until the sky rolls bac like a scroll and Jesus the Christ returns.
Find out what you can do for Creator God today……. and rely on HIS supply to make it happen.
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