Living the Tribulation January 16, 2025 Beware of Stinkin’ Thinkin’

Stinkin thinkin is when someone is so completely sure they are right and righteous and even holy in their specific belief or action ….and they are wrong.

I first had this idea that I might be wrong about some of the things I think I know about Jesus of Nazareth when I married my ex husband. His dad came to me soon after the wedding for a conversation.  I shared my faith which should have been his faith since we were both life time in the same Christian denomination and he was a deacon there.  After about 15 or 20 minutes of me declaring my very best assertions of what I knew about Jesus and the kingdom he simply said, “What if you’re wrong?”  


“What if you are wrong?”  

Well I immediately started binding the devil and casting him out. Putting on the whole armor of God and calling for Angelic host protection! This man was spreading doubt about who Jesus is. It had to be stopped and I had to be protected. 

Turns out he was more right about many things than I was. I was full of “stinkin thinkin” I had been indoctrinated in from the cradle roll.  I had some choices to make. I could continue in my church ways.  There were a multitude of people who would be right there with me. I would never be …………………………….. alone.    Never alone.

Didn’t Jesus promise we would never be alone. He would always be with us. …..?? ….. so what could be bad or wrong about that, being with multitudes of others who were just as bull headed rock solid they were right?   And what is “right” anyway? 

I am still answering that question because “right” seems to change and fade and move to new higher ground as I move down my path on my journey home…. 

Once we become so absolutely certain of a position or belief it is easy for Satan to twist that position or belief …… and we find ourselves actually opposing Jesus ……… being found in the masses that shouted “Crucify him! Crucify him!” …… we are in fact crucifying Jesus over and over and over and over……. when we bullheadedly hold to a position or belief and act on it to the harm and detriment of others ……. who may just carry a different light……. walk by different enlightenment and …… know Jesus of Nazareth in a different aspect of who He is and what HE did for us………. 

The more twisted we become the deeper the deception and the “stinkin thinkin” that drives us…….. and will drive us…… straight out of the New Heaven and the New Earth………. 

“Stinkin thinkin can earn “Depart from me ye cursed. I never knew you.” from Jesus of Nazareth as he sits on his throne in the Heavens…… the mercy seat.  

“Stinkin thinkin” is almost 100% always arrogant in its boasting of its positions and beliefs. If not careful, the person in this can find themselves blaspheming the Holy Spirit of GOD and there is no redemption no forgiveness no mercy allowed for the one who is eventually and finally judged as Blaspheming the Holy Spirit of GOD.

Everything we do here today in time space in planet earth has meaning and is determining how it will be with any of us when the sky rolls back like a scroll and we shall see Jesus face to face. 

None of us know everything. Not many of us know anything……. and what we “know” or have learned or have been given by enlightenment is only a tiny glimpse into truth seen darkly because we are in time……….. 

Ask yourself what if I am wrong…….. what would that mean? Then batten down the hatches and hold on to your seat! The age of disillusionment you are entering can save you……… from yourself.  

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