Prophecy For True Sons of Creator God: Jesus


I was taken to the book of Leviticus today in my morning quiet time when I receive my marching orders for the day.  There in all the rules and regulations set own by Creator God through Moses I saw Jesus. Jesus is all that stands between me and the requirements set up by Creator to be allowed into LIFE presence.

It was shocking to see this and that “blemish” that precludes us from entering in to LIFE.

One such blemish is Leviticus 21:18 No one who has a mutilated face….. I was critically injured in a car wreck when I was 17 years old that left me with a complete skull fracture, a mutilated face. My first infraction to enter into the presence of Creator God.

Leviticus 21:19 No one who has a broken foot or hand. I smashed the index and middle finger of my right hand when my two girls were ages 3 and 5. In 2018 I crushed my left foot that took 3.5 years to get workers comp to get me my surgery. The surgeon had to rebuild my foot with 3 plates, pins, needle, screws and a small amputation.  Another infraction keeping me from entering into the presence of Creator GOD.

Leviticus 21: 20 No one with an itching disease.  I have a genetic anomaly where I have 3 mast cells in my skin and 99.99% of humanity has 2 mast cells meaning I itch and have allergies and hives.  If you notice, this is a genetic predisposition I have from Creator God before ever entering the birth canal into time space to never be allowed back into the presence of Creator GOD that would seem to mean I have absolutely no chance of ever going back home into the LIFE presence of Creator God. It was put on me by Creator GOD who made me!

I am sure there are other things about me that make me absolutely unacceptable; having no chance ever for Salvation, or redemption, or sanctification or restoration to LIFE. I was thinking, “Wow Satan really did set me up!” But look at the genetic anomaly. I came into time space this time predisposed to never make it back home………. the only thing standing between me and total annihilation; the sentence Lucifer received to separation from LIFE in eternal DEATH is J E S U S.  Not even the blood sacrifice.

This is JESUS ELECTION OF ME TO BRING ME INTO THE FOLD. TO INVITE ME TO THE WEDDING FEAST and seat me at the table in the presence of Creator GOD in the new heaven and new earth. 

I have a new appreciation and new love and new awe and new humbleness before Jesus.  I had become arrogant and angry at Jesus screaming in HIS wonderful face, that was beaten beyond recognition as being human by the crucifiers that if he died for this or that person I did not want any part of Him.

I stand as one who needs more than anyone else the work of Jesus and His election. It is engraved in my flesh. And yet, when I was clinically dead for 10 hours as they knitted me a new body in 2001, I walked with the man in white linen along the river of life and lingered with Him beneath the tree of life before being sent back here to complete my job in time space. I loathed everything about it. My cut up body, the pain, the rejection of others. Jesus came to me and showed me the nail scars in his hands and the gaping seeping sword wound in his side. Then He said, “Your scars make you beautiful to me. You are lovely to me.”


All of us are ugly in one way or another. It is J E S U S who makes us without blemish and unspotted from the world so able to enter into the presence of Creator GOD and sit with Him at the right hand of the throne. It is only Creator Gods acceptance of  Jesus of Nazareth sacrifice on the cross that opens the way for any of us to be counted without blemish and unspotted from the world to gain entrance to the throne room and be restored to LIFE. 

Salvation is only the beginning of what Jesus does for us to bring us home. Jesus is my everything. I see it now. I am nothing but what Jesus did for me and does to me and makes in me to keep me without blemish and unspotted from the world on a daily basis so I come into the presence of Creator GOD on a regular daily basis.  Words cannot express …….. 


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