With great love The Lord G-D admonished Adam and Eve to hear His word and obey His command to stay away from the two trees in the middle of the garden because eating of the fruit of those two trees in the midst of the garden is certain death for persons made from adamah/dust. The Lord G-D is so Holy His very presence consumes all that is not. G-D was protecting them.

It is written in Genesis 3:1 “the serpent was craftier than any other beast in the garden”. Satan, the serpent, the devil, the red dragon in the Revelation of the apostle John at Patmos, slithered up to Eve in the Garden of Eden and hissed the words, “DID GOD REALLY SAY”. Satan asks Eve if The Lord G-D really said she and Adam would die if they eat the fruit of the trees in the midst of the garden. With that question the seeds of doubt were planted on earth in time-space. 

Eve’s answer to Satan, the serpent, is that she and Adam can earth of the fruit of the Garden but of the tree in the midst of the Garden The Lord G-D has said, “YOU SHALL NEITHER EAT FROM IT NOR TOUCH IT FOR IT SHALL SURELY BE DEATH TO  YOU”.

Then the serpent counters the truth of The Lord G-D with lies from the tree of “knowledge”. The serpent tells Eve that it is not true she will Surely Die. The serpent tells Eve The Lord G-d is saying she will die because he knows that on the day she eats of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the Garden her eyes will be opened. She will be like G-D knowing.

Knowing. What is there to know and why is “knowing” important? 

The tree of knowledge embodies good and evil. 

Note: there would be no “good” no “evil” to “know” if Lucifer had not introduced rebellion, sin and death into the fabric of creation. Lucifer wants Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge so that all the events that have led up to him being cast out of Heaven and stripped of his pipes can be entered into earth record. Before Adam and Eve disobeyed The Lord G-D and consumed the fruit of the tree no one living in the Garden had any idea about the rebellion or the war in Heaven or that there had been a challenge to the rule of Creator G-D, the ONE. 

Both the tree of LIFE and the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil were present there side by side in the Garden of Eden. The Satan could have easily enticed Eve to eat from either one. Ha Satan chose the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil on purpose. Ha Satan wanted to introduce knowledge that the first creation existed into the perfection of the second creation as it was between the destruction of the first creation and when Eve took her first bite. The knowledge of death was in that weed. Through Eve’s first bite of the fruit Satan injected the second creation with the poisonous idea death is better than LIFE. 

Eve’s curiosity got the best of her. She pondered the question the serpent had asked her. She wondered, “Has G-D really said?” 

The damage was done. The idea it was ok to question The Lord G-D had taken root inside Eve and grew stronger. Did The Lord G-D really say I would die if I ate from the tree that dwells in the midst of the Garden? What is death? The serpent says instead of dying we will become like The Lord God knowing good and evil. What is knowing? 

And that was it. Eve ate of the fruit. She too was ripped from LIFE. Eve died. Eve then enticed her companion, Adam, and he did eat. Adam died.

They both died. 



2 throughts on "Day 50 CHAPTER 9: THE FALL OF MAN"

  1. Note: there would be no “good” no “evil” to “know” if Lucifer had not introduced rebellion, sin and death into the fabric of creation. Lucifer wants Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge so that all the events that have led up to him being cast out of Heaven and stripped of his pipes can be entered into earth record. Before Adam and Eve disobeyed The Lord G-D and consumed the fruit of the tree no one living in the Garden had any idea about the rebellion or the war in Heaven or that there had been a challenge to the rule of Creator G-D, the ONE.

    Both the tree of LIFE and the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil were present there side by side in the Garden of Eden. The Satan could have easily enticed Eve to eat from either one. Ha Satan chose the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil on purpose. Ha Satan wanted to introduce knowledge that the first creation existed into the perfection of the second creation as it was between the destruction of the first creation and when Eve took her first bite. The knowledge of death was in that weed. Through Eve’s first bite of the fruit Satan injected the second creation with the poisonous idea death is better than LIFE.

    Eve’s curiosity got the best of her. She pondered the question the serpent had asked her. She wondered, “Has G-D really said?”

    The damage was done. The idea it was ok to question The Lord G-D had taken root inside Eve and grew stronger. Did The Lord G-D really say I would die if I ate from the tree that dwells in the midst of the Garden? What is death? The serpent says instead of dying we will become like The Lord God knowing good and evil. What is knowing?

    And that was it. Eve ate of the fruit. She too was ripped from LIFE. Eve died. Eve then enticed her companion, Adam, and he did eat. Adam died.

    They both died.

    Please explain how they both died if the Bible states that they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. Also, if they died, how did Abel, Cain, and Seth come into being, which are believed to be the origins of all of mankind.

    1. Good Question. The answer here lies in the definition and understanding of “death”. The death Adam and Eve died was not a physical death. They still walked in the garden and as you pointed out begat Abel, Cain, and Seth as recorded in the Bible. So obviously they were still very much alive by earth standards and carried on with physical human relationship ……but they did it in a state of being dead. Death here means separated from Creator G-D. When Lucifer decided he was like Creator G-D and could do a better job of being Creator than The ONE Original being and coveted the position and power and authority of The ONE Original Being Creator G-d so much he acted on it by drawing other created beings in to worship him, Creator G-D judged Lucifer’s actions stripped his pipes and his light and his glory and cast him out of his ONE being. There is only LIFE inside the body of the Original ONE. Being cast out or cut off from the Original ONE LIFE is death. Until Lucifer was cut out of LIFE there was no separation from the G-D LIFE. The separation we call death. This is the first death. There is a second death. The first death was repaired by the Blood of the Lamb of G-D, Jesus of Nazareth that he shed on the cross of Calvary. The second death has no remedy. I hope this answers your question. If not, please ask again or in a different way. I will answer.

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