Day 75 Examples of Constantine’s deceptions

One of the best known examples of Constantine changing the original writings for his purposes is in the letters of Paul to “the churches”. The designation church in the days of the second temple in Jerusalem means gatherings of people loyal to Jesus or “called out ones”. It has nothing to do with modern day “Church”. In the book of Corinthians it is written the Apostle Paul teaches that women are to “keep quiet in the assembly.” That has been used by men to relegate and delegate women into a second class citizen without even the right to speak keeping women out of leadership.

The phrase women are to “keep quiet in the assembly” is not in the original text. Constantine was having trouble with his nagging wife. He made a deal with the High Priest he conspired with to put the phrase women are to “keep quiet” in the canonized writings so he could use them against his wife to keep her from nagging him. Other men involved with the cannon agreed it would be good to keep women subjugated and submitted.

Another part of cannon scripture Constantine changed was the passages about Mary Magdalene. She is not a whore. In fact no one thought she was until the 13th century when the pope speaking “infallibly” said it. Mary of Magdala is in fact the wife of Jesus of Nazareth, Messiah of G-D. Mary Magdalene is the 12th disciple taking the place of Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus. When Jesus died he left the followers and the work of the kingdom in Mary’s hands. The disciples, Peter most intensely, were jealous of Mary and the relationship she had with Jesus as his wife. Mary Magdalene was pregnant when Jesus was crucified. Peter was livid and feared a blood line of Jesus. Peter expelled Mary out of the temple and Israel. Mary fled to France to have the child. Peter took the place Jesus gave to his wife Mary Magdalene as leader of the movement. This is a very deep con put off on all of us who were born after Constantine created the cannon and the “Catholic Church”. 

The ones who perpetuate this con set up by Constantine through “Church” as ruled by Vatican City are the merchants or sellers the Apostle John describes for us in his visions in the book of Revelation. The “Whore Church”, Babylon the Harlot, Babylon the Great sells “salvation by believing in “Church”, indulgences, absolutions, purgatory, the cross, the saints, the “high holy days” just to mention a few. Jesus threw these types of money changers out of the temple in Jerusalem. Do not fear them. 

1 throught on "Day 75 Examples of Constantine’s deceptions"

  1. Another part of cannon scripture Constantine changed was the passages about Mary Magdalene. She is not a whore. In fact no one thought she was until the 13th century when the pope speaking “infallibly” said it. Mary of Magdala is in fact the wife of Jesus of Nazareth, Messiah of G-D. Mary Magdalene is the 12th disciple taking the place of Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus. When Jesus died he left the followers and the work of the kingdom in Mary’s hands. The disciples, Peter most intensely, were jealous of Mary and the relationship she had with Jesus as his wife. Mary Magdalene was pregnant when Jesus was crucified. Peter was livid and feared a blood line of Jesus. Peter expelled Mary out of the temple and Israel. Mary fled to France to have the child. Peter took the place Jesus gave to his wife Mary Magdalene as leader of the movement. This is a very deep con put off on all of us who were born after Constantine created the cannon and the “Catholic Church”.

    The pope you speak of is Gregory I, creator of the Gregorian Chant. You may want to look him up. Interesting read.

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