Author: Theresa

Day 180 Chapter 27 Build your Ark NOW!

This is the message I am commissioned to give you. It is time to build your arc. This creation is ending. We who are true vine are being transplanted into the new creation. Do not grow weary in well doing. Do not begin to think nothing is going to happen. BUILD YOUR ARC NOW. Jesus…Read more

Day 177 The Holy Grail

8The idea Mary Magdalene was the woman with 7 demons and then later that she was the woman at the well who was a harlot were both schemes by the first beast, the church, to discredit Mary and confuse the truth of G-Ds plan for redemption through Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Yeshua Ha Mashiach. The…Read more

Day 173 The Wedding feast of the Lamb

The wedding of Jesus of Nazareth to Mary of Magdala is in the Jewish Temple Records. In the new creation Jesus and Mary will finally celebrate the Wedding feast and those who are the chosen faithful will fill the wedding hall. Those who are unfaithful sons or oppose Mary as The Bride of Christ will…Read more