Author: Theresa

Day 149 The 4th grade sex ed assembly

Those who buy into Satan’s scheme of polytheism worship the beast. Recorded scripture says these deceived ones have no rest day or night. I have heard the sons of rebellion say as they smile that serpent grin, “I can sleep when I am dead.” I suggest they are already dead heading to the second death. …Read more

Day 147 In this manner all things came to be

Time did not exist. Creator did not conceive of time through thought until after the rebellion of Lucifer, the end of the heavenly war between the army of Creator G-D and the ones deceived by Lucifer. Genesis 1:2 says simply “and the earth was without form and void.” TIME DID NOT EXIST NONE OF THIS…Read more

Day 144 Song of Moses; part 5

“Yes, Adonai will judge his people, Taking pity on his servants, When he sees that their strength is gone, That no one is left, slave or free, Then he will ask, “Where are their gods, The rock in whom they trusted? Who ate the fat of their sacrifices And drank the wine of their drink…Read more

Day 143 Song of Moses; part 4

“They are a nation without common sense, Utterly lacking in discernment. If they were wise they could figure it out And understand their destiny. After all, how can one chase a thousand And two put then thousand to rout, Unless their Rock sells them to their enemies, Unless Adonai hands them over? For our enemies…Read more

Day 142 The Song of Moses; part 3

“Adonai saw and was filled with scorn At his sons and daughters’ provocation He said, “I will hide my face from them And see what will become of them, For they are a perverse generation, Untrustworthy children.   They aroused my jealousy with a non-god  And provoked me with their vanities; I will arouse their…Read more

Day 141 The Song of Moses; part 2

He found his people in desert country, In a howling, wasted wilderness. He protected him and cared for him Guarded him like the pupil of his eye, Like an eagle that stirs up her nest, Hovers over her young, Spreads out her wings, takes the And carries them as she flies. “Adonai alone led his…Read more