Author: Theresa

Day 113 No one is exempt

One of the known global banking moguls planning and governing organizations is the Bilderbergers. This very elite and extremely secret organization meets annually to report their progress on the global take over and set the strategies for the coming year. They may be the ones directing the zoning of the whole earth and the printing…Read more


Even with all that and more, the best efforts of the first beast the Church, Catholic Church, Canonized by Constantine in the third century,  were unsuccessful at global dominance. Lucifer, AKA the devil, AKA HaSatan, ordered the “great harlot” Church, the first beast, to give her power and authority to the second beast. The Rebellion…Read more

Day 110 The Collective Mind

The Lord G-D ordained the natural law “where two or more are gathered in my name in agreement what they ask will be done for them”. The Devil figured out that by The Lord G-Ds own decree if two in agreement can get The Lord G-D to do whatever they want 200 or 2,000 has…Read more