Author: Theresa

Day 270 “Doublespeak”

“Doublespeak” is the language of Lucifers rebellion/Satan.  It is demonstrated by a person who calls themselves “Christian” or “church” standing in your face saying, “we squelched her” when it is really you they “squelched”.  Doublespeak is talking in 3rd person when they are talking about you to you, which would be second person.  You are…Read more

Day 269 Do my prophets no harm

Do my prophets no harm.  There is a lot of scuttlebutt in the social and religious systems today about “BIG”.  Who is BIG and who is small. The whole “penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and oooooh half dollar person thing used to categorize a person’s worth. It is a cast system more ridiculous and sure than…Read more

Day 265: The “slave mentality”….

……….   There is a lot of hype in the news today about “black lives matter”.  Of course they do.  There is also a lot of hype in the news today about “critical race theory”….. There is a lot of theory and emotional rhetoric.  Let’s talk real daily life experience. What we are talking about…Read more

Day 262: Unexpected personal consequences

I have published a book here (The Original Identity Theft by Theresa Bryson) penned at the command of The Lord G-D from the direction of the One Called Holy.  I was just being obedient.  It never occurred to me there would be consequences to myself for that obedience. Looking at it now I should have…Read more

Day 261: The War in the Ukraine

It is all over the news.  War is happening on planet earth again.  None of us who are old enough to remember want Russia coming back to life and pushing its weight around again. We thought and had hoped we had ended that scourge but apparently not. The threat of nuclear war seems to be…Read more