THESE ARE PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS TIMES FOR TRUE SONS. It is said of Jesus of Nazareth, “He came to his own and they knew him not.” Ladies and Gentlemen, that is you and me, the true sons. Jesus came to us to seek and to save that which was lost. And we rejected him. We…Read more
Living the Tribulation: Jesus says “Do not be ignorant, my brethern” means thinking you know when you don’t
It is too easy in 2025 to get the idea in our heads we know everything about everything. Fact is, the more we think we know the more we have no idea what we are talking about. There is so much knowledge and information being gained every day, and most of it is fake news…Read more
Living in the Tribulation: Judge not that you be not judged means your opinions will be judged
I have heard it said “opinions are free and everybody has one”. Listen up modern day Pharisees. Every time we form an “opinion’ about another person we have already accused them, judged them, held a trial for them without a court, and sentenced them. Every time we do that, we have already placed ourselves in…Read more
Living the Tribulation January 16, 2025 Beware of Stinkin’ Thinkin’
Stinkin thinkin is when someone is so completely sure they are right and righteous and even holy in their specific belief or action ….and they are wrong. I first had this idea that I might be wrong about some of the things I think I know about Jesus of Nazareth when I married my ex…Read more
Living the Tribulation: what is it like to be a mature child of GOD?
The day I started maturing as a Child of GOD is the day I stopped asking what He could or would do for me and I started asking what it is I could do or was supposed to do for Creator and Creation. When we are brand new human babies we have to be 110%…Read more
Living the Tribulation: It is time for “the children of GOD” to grow up.
When human parents have a baby, they have dreams and visions for what that baby is going to be. Every step taken from the second the baby is born is to grow that baby into and adult, a person that contributes to society, that fulfills their reason for being. It is no different for the…Read more
Day 38 On the Road Home: I heard a Moslem say “There is ONE God and HE didn’t begat anything.”
This was a epiphany for me. The statement of faith from the Moslem there is ONE God is absolute truth. The statement “He did not begat anything” is where the issues begin. In the deepest ethereal base the statement Creator God did not begat anything is also absolutely true. The whole “begetting” thing including the…Read more
Day 35 On the Road Home: In the last days, Perilous times will come
What it does not say is where the peril is going to be coming from. Our example is Jesus of Nazareth. His journey through time space was to tell us a lot more than what is written in the 4 gospels of the Canonized Bible. Jesus of Nazareth was abandoned and betrayed by the ones…Read more
Day 34 On the Road Home: There is none good. No Not One.
As I was growing up in Jesus, I attended a lot of seminars and became part of a lot of the movements in the church in the midwest, where I am from. One of them was a teaching out of Texas that pushed evangelism. One of the scriptures they used to let people know they…Read more
Day 33 On the Road Home: Hear me now. The “warring angels” are what we commonly call demons
There is a deceived faction of those who call themselves christian that follow this or that tv prophet that is broadcasting we can and are supposed to “command the warring angels”. First, what they are calling the “warring angels” are the 1/3 of angelic beings that were deceived into serving Lucifer in the rebellion when…Read more