In our human bodies there are eyes, and hands, and livers, and hearts, and lungs, and bones, and ligaments, and all manner of different parts that make up the one body. It is the same for Creator GOD. In the Perfect Original Being Creator GOD there are stars, and angels, and trees, and rivers, and…Read more
Day 7: The Road Home-Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost-everything
I have heard this scripture quoted in church from the pulpit since I was old enough to pay attention and remember. “Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost.” And “that which was lost” was always seen as and taught as some kind of election. “That which was lost” was an elite…Read more
Day 6: On the road home-figuring out what to believe in the information age
My ex-father-in-law was a 33rd level Mason. He came to me one day saying, “What are you going to do when you find out everything you were told, everything you believe, is a wrong. They lied to you.” I was a Bible thumpin’ leader in my religious community who memorized great portions of the Bible…Read more
Day 5: On the road home-everything is twisted, good is punished and bad it glorified
When you see someone rejected and scorned by the masses they are showing the sign of a true son in our day. Our best example to follow is Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus was scorned and despised and judged by the masses to deserve crucifixion while the murderer was spared. In our lives today we who…Read more
Day 4: On the road home-“sin” is not a thing you do-it is the state of being cut off from CREATOR GOD
Let’s talk about “sin”. It is all over the internet right now. Stories about “10 things the Bible says are “sin” and you are already doing” . The real working definition of “sin” is the human condition since Lucifers rebellion. “Sin” is the state of being cut off from CREATOR GOD. It is written in…Read more
Day 3 on the road home. “You are the only one”
Recently at work it was demonstrated twice that everyone else, all 99 of them, always know everything that is going on…… and I do not. I am the only one who does not know even the important things that affect me and my job. I am the only one. A state director even spit in…Read more
As I read the headlines, Israel is at war. There was even one that depicted a march to the valley of Armageddon. Every Christian or church goer worth their salt knows Revelation says the last battle is fought in Armageddon. The last battle is named the battle of Armageddon and blood will be saddle high…Read more
It is not quite a year since I added content here. I had to stop because I had become directive, scolding even, and judgmental. All of those stances are wrong. Please forgive. I have been through my own training and school. if you will, to teach me how far off the path I had wandered….Read more
Current Events
I have not added anything here in a very long time. The events that are being reported by the news carriers to me are signs of the time. The end of time actually. There is a report that scientists believe we are living in a “multiverse”. I guess it does not matter what they end…Read more
Day 312 To define “mistake” Just what is a “mistake”
I hear this or that was a “mistake”. What is a “mistake”? A MISTAKE IS SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS BECAUSE OF AN ACTION OF OUR OWN THAT HAS A NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCE THAT IS UNEXPECTED AND UNWANTED AND UNINTENDED. IT HAPPENED ALMOST ACCIDENTALLY. Because of a teaching in “church” about “forgiveness” people run around wreaking havoc…Read more