There is much in the news headlines in the United States currently about separation of church and state. Jesus said to give Caesar what is Caesars and to GOD what is GODs. Seems pretty separate to me. Two completely different aspects not to be comingled. I just saw news article in MSN where a politician…Read more
Day 289 “Behold all things become new”. Lets talk about the new creature in Christ Jesus
The apostle Paul teaches that when a person becomes “saved”, takes Jesus blood to cover their sin and make them a child of God, that old things pass away. Behold all things become new. We are taught the old filthy rags are taken from us and we are given robes of white linen. We are…Read more
Day 288 The Millennial reign/rule with an iron hand
Recently I struck up a conversation with a person about Biblical end times, tribulation, the second coming of Christ, and the millennial reign. This Christian was beaming with Joy because Jesus was going to come to earth and “rule with an iron hand”. ?? I remain puzzled at the meaning of that statement, and…Read more
Day 287 The will to go on…..
Where does it come from? Where do we find it? I am reminded this is just the beginning of the birth pangs….. we are at the early stages of the tribulation. We have a long way to go. I was also reminded when I was directed to write this …… and in my search for…Read more
Day 286 writing to keep in touch, writing under duress……
I am writing today in obedience to Creator God, the ONE. I am completely overwhelmed myself. I would not have thought it possible, but I am under severe attach personally for this message I have shared with you here. How can this be? Why? The book published here, “The Original Identity Theft” was written by…Read more
Day 285 Resist the temptation and demand to conform and maybe even comply……
Daniel, Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego are the best example of nonconformance I can think of in the Bible. They had been taken captive and carried off to a foreign nation as servants to a foreign king. This king served a lesser god than Creator G0d, The ONE God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The king,…Read more
Day 282 Creator God, the ONE says, “If anyone assails you fiercely, it is not from ME.”
I have been watching the mass shooting event as it unfolds in TX wondering just what I could say that would be relevant. Here it is. HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD IF ANYONE ASSAILS YOU FIERCELY, IT IS NOT FROM ME. IF ANYONE ASSAILS YOU FIERCELY, IT IS NOT FROM ME. IF ANYONE ASSAILS…Read more
Day 283 It is written: A thief comes in the “back door”………
I’m just sayin’ ……………………. Selah
Day 282 In the last days… perilous times will come
There will be wars and rumors of wars in various places. These are but the beginnings of the birth pangs. To name a few: 1. Russia wages war against the Ukraine 2. Covid-19 Pandemic 3. China sends war ships various places around the globe, even Australia. 4….Read more
Day 281 Judge not that ye be not judged……
These words of Jesus fly in the face of all those sermons preached everywhere for decades or millennium that tell us “ye are gods”, which is also spoken in scripture, and we have the power and authority to do anything we want, including the act of creation through work of mouth. Wow…………………… No wonder we…Read more