Category: Uncategorized

Day 95 Reflections on 9/11

We are for sure in the last days of this second creation. I have wondered about my role in 9/11. Why was I in place to stop the events on 9/11? Was I serving Creator G-D? Or ….was I somehow used by the devil to change the times and the seasons, move the ancient boundaries…Read more

Day 94 911 The aftermath

As I understand it now, almost 20 years later, 9/11 was supposed to be impetus to start the New World Order. New World Order is the name for the antichrist system found in the book of Revelation. The currency had already  been printed. The world governments had  been divided into new mega countries that mirrored…Read more

Day 93 9/11 we are at war

War The realization of this truth sunk into all of us in that office of the business where I watched the plane crash into the second tower that day. I said I had to get back to my office. The owner of the business, our USCC member, asked me what he could do to help….Read more

Day 92 Where were you on 9/11?

Here is my story. At the end of the summer, a girl from my choir at my church in a town sort of in between the two towns where my double made her clandestine reputation asked me to go get pizza with them after choir practice. They were bubbling so much with excitement I thought…Read more

Day 88 Outcome of the Mock Society

My pre-weekend instructions were that it was my responsibility to make sure I did not lose one person in my society through the whole 4 day weekend. The class  teachers would send in adversity like a workers strike or a tornado. I was to maneuver the group through the difficulties while making sure the society…Read more

Day 67 Rescued by an illuminary

I have been rescued by one of these heavenly illuminaries walking the earth in human form. This is my testimony so you know I am not telling you this from some book I read or from something I heard or even from a vision or other supernatural method. This is real. The event is real….Read more