When the two witnesses have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the bottomless pit will make war on them and conquer them and kill them, and their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city that is prophetically called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. For…Read more
Category: Uncategorized
Day 59 Chapter 11 The Two Witnesses
The apostle John tell us in his visions of these last days of the second creation there is a category of prophet on planet earth: the end times witness class prophet. There are many at first. They are eventually and according to the plan of The Lord G-D are whittled down by the red dragon until there…Read more
Day 58 It is finished. The Lord G-d Reigns.
Not to worry. The Lord G-D created time. Before The Lord G-D created time, the rebellion would have continued without ceasing. Time will end soon and this second creation will come to an end. Time is the barrier that frames the limits of the events we see enacted from the rebellion and all its consequences…Read more
Day 55 The Parable of the Shoe Box
Time can be simple in my life now here on earth even in these last days. It is hard because so much of our language is steeped in “time”. Things like see ya later. We actually carry time on our wrist. We meter all music in time. We count the days. TV is set by…Read more
Day 54 TIME
G-D’s REMEDY FOR LUCIFER’S SEPARATION FROM LIFE WAS TIME G-D added time to the second creation (the one we are currently experiencing in our daily lives) after the fall of man so…Read more
Day 53 Creator had to do something
The consequences for disobedience in the garden came swiftly. Adam must work for a living. By the sweat of his brow he will make a living. The ground will no longer yield it increase to man freely. Man person/ish must work the ground to make it produce. Eve the isha/person will bear children in pain….Read more
Day 52 A good conversation about the fall
Ha Satan made the tree of knowledge of good and evil seem desirable for Adam and Eve to touch and eat. Satan enticed the female-person, Eve, into disobeying The Lord G-D by eating from the forbidden fruit on the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the Garden of Eden. Eve,…Read more
Day 51 Did G-D really say?
There are several lies embedded in that question, “Did G-D really say?”. The serpent uses the same lies to deceive you right now, today. Some of those lies are: Knowing “good and evil” makes you like G-D Being like G-D is desirable G-d lies G-D is lying to you G-D is keeping something from you…Read more
With great love The Lord G-D admonished Adam and Eve to hear His word and obey His command to stay away from the two trees in the middle of the garden because eating of the fruit of those two trees in the midst of the garden is certain death for persons made from adamah/dust. The…Read more
Day 49 Why have weeds any way?
Weeds are often impossible to distinguish from the true plant. When “weeding” a vegetable garden often the person pulling up the weeds will pull up a vegetable plat with it. So, how is The Lord G-D to rid creation of the two weeds if by the very act of destroying the weeds the true vines…Read more