I am repeating the 5th definition of Weeds that I wrote into Day 47. It bears repeating. Something of little value; specifically; am animal of poor confirmation, lacking stamina, and unfit to breed from: an animal that is detrimental especially in preoccupying habitats that might otherwise harbor more desirable…Read more
Category: Uncategorized
Day 46 Chapter 8 Weeds in the Garden
“I planted a garden east in Eden and an enemy came and planted weeds in it”. V9 “And out of the ground made The Lord G-D to grow every tree tat is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of…Read more
Day 45 The Garden
Adamah/adam is man in contrast to animal man that roamed earth in the first creation. Our ancestor Adam is person, not animal. the animal man of the first creation walked on 4 feet. They were mortal beings created on the sixth day during the first creation. Adam and Eve are man person and woman person…Read more
Day 44 Trouble in Paradise
However, the serpent was also in the garden, Lucifer now Satan, the serpent, was a nobody in the garden. He was the lowest animal there. The serpent or Ha Satan, the satan accuser of the brethren still wanted to be G-D and was not too happy. Lucifer continued his deceptions even in the second creation…Read more
Day 43 Naked and not ashamed
Naked and not ashamed. The Lord G-D caused ale person/Adam to fall into a deep sleep. While in the deep sleep The Lord G-D too a rib from his side to make a help meet for Adam. God formed the ish or female person/Eve from a rib he took from Adams side. Adam received Eve…Read more
Day 42 The Naming and the Joining
Genesis 2:15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden called Eden to till it and keep it. G-D put the person he had formed from the adamah/dust in the second creation in the Garden of Eden to be care taker. It was Adam’s j o b to name all the…Read more
Day 41 And the Lord God planted a garden
V8 And The Lord G-D planted a garden in Eden, in the east; and there he put the man (adamah/Adam) whom he had formed. G-D spat into the adamah dust blanketing earth. Adding moisture to dust made a clay substance similar to potters clay. G-D molded adamah/man from this clay like substance. When The Lord G-D…Read more
Day 40 Evidence of the second creation continues
Evidence of the second creation continues from Genesis 2:4 in Genesis 2:7 V7 Then The Lord G-D formed man (Adam) from the dust (adamah) of the ground (adamah) and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being. The war between Lucifer and the ONE Creator G-D left an odd…Read more
Day 19
In the book of Ezekiel the prophet describes Lucifer in detail using “the king of Tyre” widely believed to describe the rebellious Lucifer: You were the seal of perfection, Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty, You were in Eden, the Garden of G-D: …Read more
Day 18
The prophet Isaiah shares his vision of G-D in the temple in Isaiah chapter 6. In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lofty, and the hem of his robe filled the temple. Seraphs were in attendance above him; each had six wings; with two they…Read more