We are told on the seventh day G-D rested. What does it look like when the creator stops creating? Come to think of it, where did G-D rest from all the work of creating? What did the abiding place look like? We have talked about the six days outlining how G-D created the heavens and…Read more
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Day 5
The next thing recorded in the Genesis creation story is that G-D spoke the firmament into being to divide the waters. Genesis 1:6 G-D said, “Let there be a dome in the middle of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters. And G-D called the dome sky.” Evening and morning was…Read more
Day 4
Genesis 1 V 4 says, “and G-D saw that it was good“. Creator G-D saw light was good and declared it. This is very important. The first creation was good before Lucifer rebelled. This important truth can be overlooked if not careful. Genesis 1 V 4b, “God separated Light from darkness.” It was important to encapsulate…Read more
Day 3
Genesis 1:1 tells us in the beginning G-D. G-D, CREATOR the ORIGINAL BEING was and is a uniquely singleton way to be. The original being was and is ONE. One being. One presence. One essence. One Spirit. ONE. The original being, the ONE Creator G-D, initiated the act of creation through thought formed in her…Read more
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